Hi there, having spent countless hours – from time to time when time permits – searching for some Interesting Quality Videos for JANETS CHOICE I have come to have certain Favorites and these are my Latest from Lovely Kitten on YouTube. There’s more on other Pages. These are the most Endearing Kittens and Cute Little Ducklings – they really have a Very Close Affinity between them. The Couple who make these Videos have Bunnies too, and sometimes you see All Three Together.

Ducklings jump into the basket to sleep with kitten Loki while bunnies run around
By Lovely Kitten   8 Mins

Kitten Sammy and little ducks playing with a ball
By Lovely Kitten   6 Mins

Little ducks want to be with the kittens all the time
By Lovely Kitten   4 Mins